Why do many people who buy sex doll regret it

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Quite a few people regret buying sex doll,
main cause:
1 . I don’t know much about sex doll. Now sex doll is doing very well. There are many people who place orders on impulse.
2 . For example, seeing that sex doll is beautiful, after being persuaded by the merchant to buy a doll that exceeds the budget, I regret that there is a gap between the arrival and my imagination…
3 . I am not satisfied with the specific types and functions of dolls and my own needs. I mistakenly believe that expensive dolls are good. I regret that buying expensive dolls is not suitable for me.

4 . I don’t know much about the inevitable problems of dolls.
5 . Sex doll is not expensive in their own budget, but the doll has a high oil output and a peculiar smell. If you buy it carelessly, you will regret it.
6 . There is no problem with sex doll, and the price is appropriate. But my family had no conditions to buy it. I found that my wife was not allowed to buy it. I was afraid of being seen by my family and regretted that I would rush to buy it again.
Therefore, if you want to buy sex doll, you don’t regret it. Several conditions are met
1 . People living alone or their families don’t worry about it.
2 . Purchase the sex doll within the budget, and do not waste money and have almost no effect.
3 . Fully understand your needs and what kind of sex doll you want to buy.
4 . Learn more about the major brands. The price ranges are different. Find the style you like.
5 . Understand the advantages and disadvantages of sex doll to avoid careless damage.

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OUDoll is a high-quality supplier specializing in making mini sex dolls.


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