Glasses Cute Girl Mini Sex Doll Abigaile 158CM- Sex Doll Background Story

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Abigail skipped into the library, knee-high socks and round glasses giving her an adorable, cosplay-inspired look. Chestnut hair swayed as she scanned the shelves, intent on her favorite manga series.
My heart skipped a beat. Abigail was a vision, blue and white striped stockings accentuating slender legs. She hummed softly, lost in her own world of fantasy and fiction.
I approached Abigail, pulse racing. “Need any help finding something?”
Abigail jumped, glasses slipping down her nose. She pushed them up and smiled brightly. “I’m just browsing.” Her eyes were luminous behind thick lenses.
We chatted by the bookshelves as afternoon sun filtered through high windows. Abigail gesticulated wildly as she described her favorite stories, enthusiasm bubbling over. I was entranced, hanging on her every word.
Abigail checked her watch and gasped. “I’m late for class!” She gathered her books quickly.
“Let me walk you there,” I offered. Abigail’s smile was radiant.
We strolled across campus together, Abigail clutching her books. Her knee-high socks peeked from beneath a flouncy skirt with every bouncing step.
At the lecture hall Abigail turned to me, eyes gleaming behind her glasses. “Thank you for keeping me company.” She squeezed my hand quickly before disappearing inside.
My heart swelled as I watched her go. Abigail had danced into my world, awakening my soul with her brightness. I longed to see her again, to bask in the warmth of her smile.
The next afternoon I found Abigail in the library once more, poring over manga. She looked up at my approach, delight lighting her eyes.
“I was hoping I’d see you here.” Abigail blushed prettily.
I gazed at her, pulse pounding. Here was my heart, my home – this enchanting girl who saw the world through rose-colored glasses. My Abigail, forever.

Glasses Cute Girl Mini Sex Doll Abigaile 158CM

Glasses Cute Girl Mini Sex Doll Abigaile 158CM

Glasses Cute Girl Mini Sex Doll Abigaile 158CM

Glasses Cute Girl Mini Sex Doll Abigaile 158CM


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