Full Life Size Silicone Sex Doll for Man Cymbaline 168CM- Sex Doll Background Story

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Cindy straightened her pencil skirt and blouse, smoothing non-existent wrinkles. As office manager she strived for perfection. Cindy glanced in the mirror, pinching her cheeks for color. Her delicate features resembled actress Angelababy, with a slender waist and toned shoulders belying her curvy figure.
“Another long day,” Cindy sighed, taking a seat behind her desk. She loved her job but lately felt uninspired, longing for adventure.
A knock at her door startled Cindy from her reverie. She looked up to find a deliveryman gazing at her warmly.
“Delivery for Cynthia Wong,” he said with a smile. Cindy blinked. No one called her Cynthia.
“I’m Cindy,” she replied hesitantly. The man handed her a vase of roses and a card.
“These are for you. Have a nice day!” With a wink he was gone, leaving Cindy puzzled. She opened the card with trembling fingers.
My dearest Cindy, your beauty inspires my soul. I see you through your office window each day, longing to speak yet lacking courage. I had to let you know – you are my dream. My heart is yours. – Your Secret Admirer
Cindy gasped, glancing out the window. A lone figure stood gazing up at her, waving shyly. She waved back, heart racing.
At the end of her workday Cindy raced outside, searching the streams of people for her admirer. Strong arms wrapped around her suddenly. She turned to find the deliveryman gazing down at her, eyes gleaming.
“It’s you?” Cindy breathed. The man nodded, pulling her close.
“I’m Tony. I couldn’t stay away any longer.” He cupped her face gently, gazing into her eyes. “You’re the woman I’ve been waiting for.”
Cindy’s heart swelled as Tony’s lips met hers. Her world was filled with the scent of roses and the promise of adventure. Here in her secret admirer’s arms, Cindy found her inspiration at last.

Full Life Size Silicone Sex Doll for Man Cymbaline 168CM

Full Life Size Silicone Sex Doll for Man Cymbaline 168CM

Full Life Size Silicone Sex Doll for Man Cymbaline 168CM

Full Life Size Silicone Sex Doll for Man Cymbaline 168CM

Full Life Size Silicone Sex Doll for Man Cymbaline 168CM

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