4 Reasons Why Every Couple Should Use Sex Toys Together

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It goes almost without saying that sex toys can turn a person’s solo sex life inside-out in the most beautiful ways. They can teach a person a thing or three about how their body truly likes to be stimulated. Plus, having a constantly accessible way to experience as many world-class orgasms as you can handle is great for your self-esteem and overall sense of wellbeing.

Still, you can’t honestly say you’ve experienced everything the world of sex toys has to offer until you’ve used a toy with your partner. That’s right. Toys aren’t just for enjoying on your own. They make incredible additions to partnered sex, as well, and can improve your relationships in some pretty significant ways. Here are some prime examples.

1.      They take the guesswork out of having an orgasm.

Now, there’s definitely plenty to enjoy about giving your partner an orgasm the old-fashioned way and letting them do the same for you. But sometimes, orgasms can feel like pressure, especially when you’re tired or having trouble getting into the spirit of things for any reason.  It’s all too easy to focus so hard on having or giving an orgasm that you’re no longer present in the moment.

Toys help things along in the orgasm department, meaning there’s little standing in between either of you and world-changing, satisfying orgasms. So you can stop worrying about whether you’re getting there or not and focus on connecting instead. Your horizons are wide open as to how and when you each reach your big finishes, as well, so don’t be afraid to explore the possibilities.

2.      They get you talking about sex.

More couples than you think have trouble talking openly and candidly about sex, so you’re not alone if you and your partner sometimes struggle, too. Yes, people and society are becoming more open and comfortable with sex and related topics, but there’s still a long way to go. Plenty of people are still overcoming reserved upbringings and old-fashioned teachings that dictate sex just shouldn’t be discussed.

And, of course, it’s up to each person how open they are, in general, about their sex lives. But you and your partner must be able to discuss sex freely with one another regardless. Sex toys are an ideal way to open up that dialogue and get you two talking, so take advantage of that. Discuss what you each like about the toy-focused experiences you try. Practice giving each other bedroom feedback and asking one another for what you want, as well.

3.      They inspire you to think outside the box.

Let’s face it. Sexual ruts are a fact of life, even for couples deeply in love with and attracted to one another. This is especially the case once you’ve been together a while. Life gets busy, and both of you eventually have more and more going on. Work challenges and family responsibilities demand the lion’s share of your attention.

Then when you do have any time and energy left for sex at the end of the day, you stick to what you already know works. Your sex life becomes increasingly less spontaneous, and you stop thinking outside the box. Before you know it, you’re in a sex rut, wondering when exactly you and your partner lost your zest for getting down and dirty.

Sex toys are a great way to get your creativity back. Not only do they introduce fantastic new sensations into your repertoire, but they make branching out in the bedroom feel like second nature again. You may even want to consider starting an entire collection that you keep adding to over time. Then there will always be something exciting to reach for when you want to change things up and to keep you inspired, in general.

4.      They take the sex you already love to the next level.

Many couples who have never used toys together worry that bringing outside tools into the bedroom will take away from the sex they already have or otherwise warp it somehow. So if you’re worried about that, don’t be. Toys don’t replace your partner. And a desire to use them or explore with them further shouldn’t be taken as evidence that one’s partner isn’t enough.

Toys are tools that enhance your sex life together, making it richer, fuller, and even more satisfying than before. You’re not having sex with the toys. You’re having sex with one another, just like you were before. A toy simply enhances and amplifies what was already going on, just like lube, lingerie, or music might.

Contrary to what some might believe, toys aren’t just for kinky or habitually adventurous types. Any couple can benefit from adding one or several to their sexual routine, so don’t be afraid to try one yourselves. You’ll be glad you did, guaranteed.  https://www.hiasu.com/4-reasons-why-every-couple-should-use-sex-toys-together/

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OUDoll is a high-quality supplier specializing in making mini sex dolls.


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