Mini Sex Doll + How long a sexual intercourse lasts is normal

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Regarding the timing of sexual intercourse, foreign scientists have done a study:

In 2005, several Dutch researchers gathered 500 couples from all over the world. After 4000 sexual intercourses, they found that their average time was 5.4 minutes, of which the shortest was only 33 seconds and the longest was 44 minutes sex games.
In 2009, they studied 474 couples and the average time was 6 minutes. The average time is 6 minutes, which means that half of the people have less than 6 minutes.

Does that mean that less than 6 minutes is not normal?

In fact, there is no specific standard for how long sexual intercourse is considered silicone sex dolls feet normal. Because every couple’s physical condition, age, and intercourse habits are not the same, even if they are the same couple, the specific circumstances and circumstances of each couple’ s life are different.

Environmental conditions are also different sex doll 100cm.

These uncertain factors will affect the length of time in the same room. For some couples, a few minutes may make both parties feel good and satisfied, while for some couples, it may take more than ten minutes or more to feel satisfied. Therefore, the duration of each couple’s life It is difficult to set a standard for how long it is right.

Don’t worry too much about the length of time doll for session. Quality is the most important thing. As long as both parties are satisfied, why not make the time shorter?
Too long is not good. It is harmful to the body of both parties. It is easy to cause excessive congestion of the prostate in men and induce prostatitis, and it is also easy to cause discomfort sex toys for men in the vagina or vaginal damage in women.

As for the time in the small movie, it is basically captured by shooting techniques, just look at it, don’t take it seriously. Of course, if it is premature ejaculation, vagina pussy real sizes, it is another matter.

What is premature ejaculation?

①From a purely time perspective, Tintin ejaculates within 1 minute after entering the vagina, which is basically premature ejaculation. If it is caused by genital lesions, such as balanitis, prostatitis, etc., you need to go to the hospital to check and treat the inflammation to improve premature ejaculation male masturbator.

②From the perspective of the ability to control ejaculation, if you always or almost always cannot control/delay ejaculation and cause dissatisfaction and distress for yourself or your sexual partner, it can also be considered premature ejaculation. Occasionally, it doesn’t matter once or twice, it may be a malfunction. For example, the first time, when reuniting after a long absence, premature ejaculation may occur, but it cannot be considered premature ejaculation. But if this is the case for a long time, it is best to go to the hospital for an examination sex doll torso. Don’t be embarrassed and delay the condition in the end.

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