Countries that ban child sex dolls

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The question of whether child-like sex dolls should be allowed or not has been debated all across the world. Some countries have passed laws that prohibit any advertisement, sale, or use of sex dolls within their respective jurisdictions.

But some people have come out clearly with their views that sex dolls can be therapeutic; this means that people that often find themselves sexually attracted to children can use the sex dolls to reduce their urge hence. However, this argument has not been enough to convince the governments of the countries.

We strongly recommend you to check whether your country has been affected by the ban before purchasing a child-like sex doll. All these countries have banned any activity including trading, advertisement, or ownership of sex dolls.

North America

Florida, USA

The bill to ban sex dolls was first drafted in 2018 but it didn’t go past the senate criminal justice committee. However, it was reintroduced again in 2019, passed by the committee and then signed into law by Governor DeSantis. The Florida law dictates that it will be a first-degree felony to advertise, show, own, or lend child-like sex dolls. If someone did not intend any of the above, then that would be considered a second-degree misdemeanor. Repeating it more than once will be considered a 3rd-degree felony.

Tennessee, USA

Tenessee is one of the only three states in the united states that have banned any activity involving the use of child-like sex dolls. The ban was signed into law in 2019 by Governor Bill Lee. This was after a unanimous vote by the senate.

Kentucky, USA

It is illegal to own a childlike sex doll in the state of Kentucky. The Senate passed the bill to ban all items that remble minors and intended for sex purposes. I.e sex robots and anatomically correct sex dolls.


Section 163.1 of the Canadian constitution depicts that any visual representation that counsels or advocates for sex with a minor will be deemed as an offense under this act. The Canadian Border Services Agency has intercepted dozens of them since 2016. Apart from the visual representations the criminal law under the act also forbids any audio recordings, photographic film, or written material.



Owning a child-like sex doll in the UK is not illegal. However, importing is a criminal offense and could land you in trouble. In 2018 Tomlinson was sentenced to 14 months in prison for buying a sex doll online and importing it into the UK. Importing a child-like sex doll in the united kingdom breaks 3 separate laws. These laws include:

  • Postal laws: it prohibits the sending of obscene or indecent articles.
  • The obscene publications act: It prohibits the sale and distribution of child-like sex dolls.
  • Importation offenses: They check whether the doll contains a chid like features. Importation offenses also represent shopping of such dolls online.


A doll that represents a child but with sexualized qualities is illegal to own in Norway. Section 311 of the constitution clearly outlines that anyone caught in possession or importing such a doll may serve a prison sentence or incur a fine.



Importing a child-like sex doll in Australia is illegal and can attract an imprisonment penalty of up to 10 years. In addition, one can be fined a maximum of $555 000 for importing such goods. The Australian criminal law also depicts that someone caught in possession of a sex doll with child-like features can be imprisoned for up to 15 years.

People have been charged by the ABF for failing to adhere to these strict rules. The Australian government believes that it is harmful to sexualize children. Hence child sex doll promotes sexualism with the minors and it cannot be allowed.

OUDOLL does not ship any sex dolls with child-like features to the countries mentioned above. We adhere to and respect different laws governing these countries. You too should be careful while buying sex dolls from other countries that claim to ship in restricted are because you will be charged in court.

If you want to buy this doll, please contact us




















OUDoll is a high-quality supplier specializing in making mini sex dolls.