Can I use other masturbators? anime sex dolls knowledge

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Many customers who have just bought a simulated real love doll face the problem of how to clean the dirty skin of the real love doll.
If the sex doll has not been used for a long time, dust and dirt will stick to the skin surface, and the baby’s skin should be carefully wiped with a damp towel. It is best to clean it with body wash or soap. Once the love doll’s skin surface is dry, talcum powder can be applied to the handbag to make the real doll’s skin smoother and more supple.













mini sex doll
The surface of the skin of a real love doll will become oily over time, but this is normal for the silicone oil contained in the raw material, so there is nothing to worry about. We just need to take care of our love dolls regularly, and it is generally a good idea to clean them about once a month, depending on our living conditions and lifestyle.

You don’t really need to worry about the very complicated and tedious cleaning of a real love doll. Sometimes you don’t even need to clean them regularly. You need to clean your anime sex dolls after you use them. However, if you are a lazy customer or have a sex doll with a bottom half and only clean the bottom half, that’s another matter. It is recommended to bathe your personal love doll after use to make it look more comfortable.

Some customers have the problem that the skin of their love doll gets dirty, but then you have to use the cleaning glue provided by the manufacturer. And since this glue is corrosive, it must be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If not used properly, the baby’s skin can be burned. When repairing a real love doll, if there is a problem that cannot be solved, we recommend you to contact the manufacturer as soon as possible to solve the problem, not to act blindly.

OUDoll is a high-quality supplier specializing in making mini sex dolls.