7 Tips To Help You Take Good Photos Of Your Realistic Love Doll

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How to Take Good Photos of Your Realistic Love Doll

Have you ever been tempted by some photos of love dolls posted in the doll forum? How to help your “girlfriend” take such a perfect, enviable photo? Today, we will teach you 7 entry-level photography tips to help you take good photos of your realistic love doll without NG!

1. Highlight Your Love Doll with a Simple Background.
When shooting a sex doll, the choice of the background is very important. The complex background can easily distract the audience. Therefore, we recommend that you choose a simple and coordinated background, which can better highlight the charm and beauty of your love doll.

If you’re shooting the dolls indoors at a face-to-face Angle, use a wall or background cloth. For a bird’s eye view, it’s best to choose a bed sheet or floor as the background.

If you’re shooting outside, you can choose the beautiful buildings, dense flowers, or blue sky as a backdrop. To create real love doll photos with a genuine impact, you can use a wide aperture to blur the background and sharpen the subject.

2. Background Can Give Context to Your Love Doll.
To make the doll photos more readable, you can choose a more aesthetic scenery or narrative environment as the background to enrich the image, such as a cafe, or florist.

3. S-curve composition can highlight the softness and sexiness of love dolls.
When the shapely dolls stand naturally, they can be photographed from the side with a hot S-shaped curve.

If shooting from a frontal angle, the doll needs to be tilted slightly.

In addition to these two angles, you can also create a more sexy S-curve by having the doll lying on its stomach.

4. Use Diagonal Compositions to Enhance Body Aesthetics.
The diagonal composition creates a stretched effect that accentuates the doll’s slender figure.

5. Triangle Composition Can Express the Stability & Upward Impact.
The doll’s body or postures can be combined to form a triangle, for instance, take the doll’s face as the visual center, usually at the top of the triangle. This composition has a strong sense of stability and upward impact.

6. Leave White Spaces on the Extension of the Doll’s Gazing Direction.
Leaving white space in front of the doll’s sight can supplement the doll’s sight space and seek the balance of the picture.

7. Add Some Props to Show the Doll’s Temperament.
The appropriate use of props, such as a bunch of flowers, a toy, or an umbrella, can better express the whole mood or storyline in the picture, and reinforce the theme to be expressed.

Here’s to the end of this topic. We hope you all can take some good photos of your doll. Of course, you’re welcome to share these photos with us!































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OUDoll is a high-quality supplier specializing in making mini sex dolls.


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