
OUDoll is a high-quality supplier specializing in making mini sex dolls.

Sex Doll Q&A: How do you have sex with a TPE or silicone doll?

Female dolls have 3 entries for penetration – oral, anal and vaginal. The male dolls have 2 entries for penetration – oral and anal. These entries are designed to give ultimate pleasure and are made of resilient silicone. Although the orifices are designed to accommodate most sizes, we are...

Sex Doll Q&A: What is the range of the doll’s joints?

Most doll joints have a very good range of movement — about 180 degrees or more, in most cases. The skeleton used in latest dolls moves in nearly all of the ways a real human being does - including squatting. However, these new (EVO) skeletons are not available on...

Sex Doll Q&A: How flexible are the dolls?

TPE or silicone skin is extremely flexible and will sustain almost any reasonable position. There are some positions which are more stressful on both the skin flesh and the internal joints. Most dolls cannot be “twisted into a pretzel,” compressed into a tight fetal position, or squeezed into a...

Sex Doll Q&A: How strong are the doll’s joints?

Doll joints are made from stainless steel. They’re very strong and designed to bend in a very human-like way. Although the joints are strong, bending a joint in an unnatural way or forcing the doll into a position that would be difficult for most people could result in a...

Sex Doll Q&A: Do you ship your dolls from within the USA?

Due to the highly customized nature of these dolls, we currently do not hold stock inventory in our facility in the US. All dolls are custom made for you according to your preferences and customizations in our factories in China. We have an inspection team in China who goes to...

Sex Doll Q&A: How do I pose and protect my doll’s hands?

When moving your doll, always make sure the hands are out of the way. Never let your doll fall onto its hands as this can cause the finger wires to poke through the silicone. When carrying the doll it is best to put its hands over your shoulders or...

Sex Doll Customization: If I order a doll with pubic hair or other body hair, is it removable?

Different brands vary a bit. Some brands dolls come with pubic hair sewn into the skin of the doll (i.e. hair implants), which cannot be removed without damaging the doll. But some brands public hair is glued to the skin of the doll. Although the hair can rub off...

Sex Doll Q&A:Can a doll’s fingers close and grip?

Yes, doll fingers have internal wires that allow you to pose the hands, close them and make them hold very light items. The grip is not strong and the fingers should be handled with care. If you want to buy this doll, please contact us SKU:H3259                        

Sex Doll Q&A: Can the dolls stand upright, unsupported?

A standard doll cannot stand upright unsupported. The skeletal system is too flexible and collapsible to allow a doll to stand upright. The doll has the poise and relaxed state of a sleeping girl. The skeleton will hold a position as long as there is not a strong force...

Sex Doll Q&A: Can a doll support itself for all sexual positions?

No, you will need to use support to assist the weight distribution for many positions, such as doggy style. The doll's shoulder, elbow and knee joints do not lock and the dolls cannot support their own weight. We recommend supporting the doll’s upper body with pillows to assure that...